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     Additional Setup Notes

     Near the bottom of the  configuration screen is a parameter  headed by:
     "Program name  of executable  to be  run ...".   If  this item  is left
     empty, DW Host exits  to DOS upon  successful entry of  a password from
     remote.  Therefore, proper operation  of DW Host requires that a  batch
     file such  as HOST.BAT  be used  as a  controlling batch  file when the
     "program name to  execute" is left  blank on the  configuration screen.
     If you study HOST.BAT,  you will see how  DW Host is controlled and  is
     not permitted to drop to DOS without invoking a communications  program
     or DOORWAY.

     Another way  to set up  DW Host is  to  enable it to  "shell out" to a
     another program to be executed  when a caller successfully enters  the
     password.  This can be done by specifying the program name to execute,
     perhaps as in the following example:

       doorway COM1 /g:on /m:100 /O: /S:* /v:d /R:X /c:dos

         (causes Doorway to operate using COM1, allowing the caller
          100 minutes of time after dropping to DOS.  Additionally it
          would allow the running of full-screen, direct screen-writing
          applications from remote, such as Lotus, word processors, Kedit,
          Brief, Vern Buerg's LIST, etc. )

     The above setup allows you to  invoke DW Host on the host computer  by
     merely the command DWHost.  When a caller enters the correct password,
     a shell  to do_drwy.bat is invoked  and the simple  batch file invokes
     DOORWAY,  which in turn invokes  COMMAND.COM.  Operations  at the  DOS
     level  from remote  are  sustained  until the  caller gives  the  EXIT
     command.   Upon the EXIT,  control is returned directly to DW Host and
     the code recycles internally to set up for another call.

     This setup also allows DW Host to remain resident during the  "shell."
     This increases memory usage,  since both DOORWAY  and DW Host  will be
     resident  at  the  same time.  For maximum  memory availability  it is
     recommended to use the DROP to BATCH FILE method.  If INSTALL  was run
     then the DROP to BATC?H FILE method will be used.

     The above shows how DW Host  may be set  up to operate in  conjunction
     with  other software  without using  batch files.  The advantages  are
     simplicity and speed of recycling after a call.  The only disadvantage
     to this kind of setup is that, in the worst case,  about 35K of memory
     is  required  for DW Host during the shell.  If  you cannot afford the
     memory  utilization,  a controlling  batch file  such as  HOST.BAT  is

     Operation within HOST.BAT leaves  more of system memory  available for
     applications after DW Host has answered the call and verified  correct
     password entry.  For this  reason, operation with a controlling  batch
     file such as HOST.BAT remains an available option.

     If you  use the  batch file  approach to  control of  DW Host, include
     HOST.BAT in the directory where you have installed DW Host.  Modify it
     to suit your environment and  setup as appropriate.  For  example, you
     may wish  to change  "DOORWAY COM1"  to  "DOORWAY COM2"  if  you  have
     specified use of COM2 on the DW Host configuration screen.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson